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How to Use Your Strategy in Human Design

Erin Claire Jones

4 minute read

Our strategy in human design reveals how to create the most aligned opportunities in our lives – in our romantic relationships, careers and beyond. Strategy is a way to eliminate resistance and create more flow in our lives.

Each type has a different strategy. Today, I wanted to share a few tools for working with your strategy for each type.

Wait to respond (Generators)

  • Open your awareness and see what’s showing up in your world (e.g., a potential client, a text message, an opportunity, a job posting)
  • When something comes, tune into your natural gut response — is the opportunity pulling you towards it or pushing you away?
  • Once something lights up your gut, tune into your authority to know whether it’s the right thing to pursue and the right time to take action on it
  • Always wait for something to light up your gut before you commit
  • While you wait for new opportunities, use your energy in ways you enjoy, trusting the more satisfied and lit up you are, the more magnetic you become
  • If you’re not getting a clear gut response, it’s either not the right thing or not the right timing

Wait to respond and inform (Manifesting Generators)

  • Open your awareness and see what’s showing up in your world (e.g., a potential client, a text message, an opportunity, a job posting)
  • When something comes, tune into your natural gut response — is the opportunity pulling you towards it or pushing you away?
  • Once you get an initial response, visualize the possibility of doing it to see if it still lights up your gut
  • If it does, tune into your authority to know whether it’s the right thing to pursue and the right time to take action on it
  • Always wait for a clear gut response before you commit
  • While you wait new opportunities, use your energy in ways you enjoy, trusting the more satisfied and lit up you are, the more magnetic you become
  • If it feels useful, reflect on who will be impacted by your decision and give them a heads up before you act

Wait to be invited (Projectors)

  • Reflect on where you already feel the most invited and seen for you who you are, and invest your energy there
  • Take the time to recognize your unique value; pay attention to what you’re good at and what you uniquely see (when you see your own gifts, people pick up on the fact that you know things)
  • Wait to be invited and authentically recognized for your gifts by others before making a commitment or offering guidance
  • Trust your energy is precious and an invitation lets you know who is ready for your energy and when
  • While you wait for the right invitation, invest energy in mastering your craft
  • Courageously let the world know you and your gifts exist (e.g., on social media or in your community) and and make yourself visible, so that invitations can come

Initiate and inform (Manifestors)

  • Honor the natural ebbs and flows of your energy, trusting it’s often in the rest that new inspirations will come
  • When an urge to initiate arises within you, tune into your authority to know it’s right to take action on
  • Before you take action, reflect on who will be impacted by a decision and give them a heads up before you fly
  • Trust that while informing is not natural, it’s a practice worth honing and will allow you to bring your ideas to life with more ease
  • Practice informing in small ways (e.g., letting people know you’re coming home late or leaving the room) as a way to begin to see its impact
  • Reflect on where you have held yourself back from initiating simply because you’ve never seen it done that way before; remember, you’re here to be the first and to do things differently

Wait to be invited and initiated (Reflectors)

  • Notice how a space feels in your body, trusting being in the right space aligns you with the right people, opportunities and experiences
  • Plant yourself in spaces — online and offline — that feel good
  • Whenever a space doesn’t feel good, give yourself permission to go
  • Allow the right opportunities to emerge by being in the right spaces
  • When an invitation or opportunity arises, ensure you feel recognized for your uniqueness and that you will be able to honor your process within the opportunity
  • Reflect on where you currently feel recognized and invited to be yourself, and invest your energy there
  • Remind yourself that you bring such a unique and needed perspective and energy to the world, and the right opportunities will recognize that

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