I believe any human design type can do anything – human design is not meant to limit us in our careers and what we can do. Rather it helps shed light on how can do things best according to our unique energy. So today, I wanted to share some notes on entrepreneurship by type.
Come back to this post whenever you need a reminder to do things in the way that will work best for you, no matter how different that may look from how other people are doing it,
Trust your worth is not based in how hard you work or how much you do; you’re here to show us a new way of success. Take rest when you need to, and hone in on where you offer the most value and cultivate that gift. Partner, collaborate, or bring on support for the rest – know that you’re not meant to do it all on your own. Invest in offerings that scale beyond you and where growing doesn’t equate to you working more hours. And finally, make it your job to make yourself visible and let the world you that you and your work exist. People cannot find you unless they see you.
And remember, a dream day at work for you may look like like:
- Having plenty of space and time to rest and flow in between commitments.
- Building in time to do absolutely nothing, and having self-care be a non-negotiable.
- Feeling supported by those around you and not having to do it all alone.
- Working with those who recognize the gift of your perspective and invite in your guidance.
- Having plenty of time to unwind at the end of the day, and dropping into bed feeling successful and appreciated.
Take inventory often to see which aspects of your business excite you the most – invest your energy in those aspects and trust that you being lit up will magnetize the most aligned opportunities to you. Note which aspects of your business are the most depleting and draining, and hand those off when you can. Remember to prioritize your satisfaction and excitement within work and outside of it. Release the need to build a business how others have done it; market, hire, and manage others in a way that excites you and feels good to you. Have your collaborators ask you specific questions (e.g., do you like option a or option b?) and give you options to help you connect to your truth. And finally, trust your gut to guide you and let you know where and when to invest your powerful, creative energy.
And remember, a dream day for you at work may look like:
- Waking up energized.
- Feeling deeply satisfied by and immersed in whatever you’re working on.
- Saying no to what doesn’t excite you, and delegating the things that are depleting you.
- Being driven by your gut in your decision-making.
- Being surrounded by people who ask you questions and give you things to respond to.
- Dropping into bed feeling satisfied and fulfilled.
Lean into your gift of initiating and bringing new ideas to life. Remember that you are not here to do all the doing yourself, so know when to hand things off and move onto the next opportunity or idea to bring to life. Design a way of working that allows you to remain in your own creative flow, without interference – honor your need for freedom, autonomy, and control in work. Honor the ebb and flow of your energy; create when you’re inspired and rest when you need to, making space for the next inspiration to come. And finally, build strong channels of communication with your collaborators where you actively keep them informed of your decisions and they do the same.
And remember, a dream day for you at work may look like:
- Charting your own schedule and not having anyone else dictate how and when you do things.
- Taking rest and space whenever you need it.
- Feeling supported in your visions and knowing that you’re not doing it all on your own.
- Bringing your ideas to life in your way, on your terms.
- Having plenty of time to unwind at the end of the day, and dropping into bed feeling peaceful and free.
Honor the ebb and flow of your energy; you may be on fire one week and need rest the next. Plant yourself in spaces that feel good – the right city, office, and home – and trust that doing so will attract the most aligned people and opportunities to you. Release the need to do all the doing and bring on support; partner or collaborate when you can, honoring that your gift is in your perspective and not in how much you can do. Release the pressure to build your business or operate in the way those around you are doing it – trust that you’re meant to do it differently. And finally, slow down and take your time with the big decisions, even if those around you are moving at a different pace.
And remember, a dream day for you at work may look like:
- Using your energy however feels correct today, even if it’s different from what felt correct yesterday.
- Feeling surprised by and surrendered to life’s magical flow.
- Building in time alone or in nature to reconnect to what’s yours and release what’s not.
- Working with those who uplift you and feel good to be around.
- Feeling like your perspective is deeply recognized and invited in by those you work with.
- Having plenty of time to unwind at the end of the day and ease into sleep.
Manifesting Generators
Take inventory often to see which aspects of your business light you up the most; invest your energy there, and trust that doing so will magnetize the most aligned opportunities to you. When possible, delegate the aspects of your process that are depleting you, so that you can remain in your creative, fast flow. Trust your gut to guide each step of the way – you’re meant to build your business, market, and sell in a way that excites you, even if it looks different than how those around you are doing it. Have your collaborators ask you specific questions (e.g., do you prefer option a or option b) and give you options to help you connect to your truth. And finally, give yourself permission to pursue as many things at once as feels good and to shift and evolve your offerings when inspired – you’re not meant to do the same thing forever.
And remember, a dream day for you at work may look like:
- Waking up energized and feeling lit up by what you’re working on.
- Feeling supported by others in handling the details you might miss.
- Being able to move as fast as you’d like.
- Saying no to what doesn’t excite you, and pivoting away from commitments you no longer have energy for.
- Being surrounded by people who ask you questions and give you things to respond to.
- Dropping into bed feeling satisfied and fulfilled.