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Helpful Habits For Each Human Design Type

Erin Claire Jones

3 minute read

Our type in human design sheds light on how we can best operate and use our energy. Today, I wanted to share a few habits to cultivate for each type to help you find more flow, ease and alignment in your life.


  • Stop chasing after and trying to force things to happen. Instead, pay attention to what shows up in your world that lights you up (even if it’s not what you expected). Trust the right things are on their way to you.
  • Only say yes to a commitment if you’re getting a full-bodied yes in your gut. Have the courage to say no.
  • Release your energy from the people, places and opportunities that no longer feel satisfying or right for you.
  • Treat your own joy and excitement as essential — in work and life. Prioritize it each day.
  • When making decisions, drop into your gut and out of your mind. Allow yourself to be guided by what feels right. The right decisions for you are the ones that feel right in your gut, not the ones you can explain. Remember: your job is to make the right next step, not to know where it’s all going.


  • Courageously share yourself and your work with the world, even when it feels scary.
  • Balance energetic output with time for yourself, e.g., time to rest and nourish yourself with information you love.
  • Invest your energy in the people who make you feel deeply, seen and known, the ones who are curious and ask for your perspective.
  • Build breaks and space into your days and give yourself permission (often) to rest and be deliberately unproductive.
  • Share what you see with people who invite in and ask for your perspective. Just because you see something doesn’t mean someone is ready to hear it. Don’t waste your energy on those who aren’t ready; the invitation will let you know who is ready for your powerful perspective and when.

Manifesting Generators

  • Resist the need to stick with a commitment just because you think you should. When your energy starts to dwindle, ask yourself: Is this still the right use of my energy?
  • Treat your own passion, joy and excitement as important — in work and life. Prioritize it each day.
  • Stop chasing after and trying to force things to happen. Instead, pay attention to what shows up in your world that lights you up (even if it’s not what you expected). Trust the right things are on their way to you.
  • Embrace your speed and capacity to make things happen powerfully without expecting others to move as fast or make things happen just like you. Trust everyone is meant to do things differently.
  • Only say yes to a commitment if you’re getting a full-bodied yes in your gut. Have the courage to say no.


  • Initiate and take action on the urges you feel, even if you’re not sure where an idea will take you.
  • Keep the people close to you in the loop about the decisions you’re making, always giving them a heads up before you fly.
  • When your body calls for it, take rest, space and time alone. Rest is often where your next inspiration or insight will come through.
  • Allow in support. Your gift is getting things started, not doing all the doing yourself. Give yourself permission to delegate and hand things off.
  • Release the need to be liked by everyone. Whenever you find yourself on the edge of people-pleasing, choose to step into your authenticity instead. Trust doing so will push away the people who are not for you and pull in the ones who are.


  • Spend time in spaces and around people that feel good to be in and around.
  • Check in each day: What feels like me today? Practice honoring where you are that day rather than expecting yourself to show up in the same way, day after day.
  • When a space stops feeling good (even if it once did), give yourself permission to go.
  • Take time alone and in nature regularly.
  • Rather than assume everything you feel is your own, take the time to step back and ask yourself: Is this really mine? Your gift is your objectivity.
  • Embrace your uniqueness. Play by rules that feel good to you, not ones that worked for others.

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