Helpful Habits for Generators in Human Design

Erin Claire Jones

2 minute read

Our type in human design sheds light on how we can best operate and use our energy. Today, I wanted to share a few habits to cultivate for Generators to help you find more flow, ease and alignment in your life.

Helpful habits…

  • Stop chasing after and trying to force things to happen. Instead, pay attention to what shows up in your world that lights you up (even if it’s not what you expected). Trust the right things are on their way to you.
  • Only say yes to a commitment if you’re getting a full-bodied yes in your gut. Have the courage to say no.
  • Release your energy from the people, places and opportunities that no longer feel satisfying or right for you.
  • Treat your own joy and excitement as essential — in work and life. Prioritize it each day.
  • When making decisions, drop into your gut and out of your mind. Allow yourself to be guided by what feels right. The right decisions for you are the ones that feel right in your gut, not the ones you can explain. Remember: your job is to make the right next step, not to know where it’s all going.

It may also be useful to practice saying things that help you honor your type. This could look like saying…

  • “This opportunity doesn’t feel right in my gut, so I’m going to pass.”
  • “This opportunity feels so right in my gut. Let’s do it! I don’t yet know where this will take us, but I’m a full-bodied gut yes, so let’s step in and discover that together.”
  • “I’m not getting a clear gut response. Can you try giving me options or asking me specific yes/no questions? Options help me drop into my gut feeling.”
  • “I’m feeling frustrated and drained by this dynamic. Something isn’t feeling right. I’m going to take some time to step away and check in with my gut feeling.”
  • “My energy is precious and I trust my gut response to let me know where to put my energy and when. I follow what feels right in my gut, even when I can’t explain it. I ask that you honor this.”

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