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Marketing Tips Based on Your Profile in Human Design

Erin Claire Jones

3 minute read

Our profile in human design is made up of 2 numbers (e.g. 6/2, 5/1, or many others) and speaks to how we’re each uniquely wired to manifest our purpose, how best to share ourselves with the world, and more.

Today, I wanted to share some tips on how best to share yourself and market your work with the world based on your profile lines. Make sure to pay attention to the two numbers that make up your profile, as they both apply to you.

With a 1 in your profile…

You are here to become an expert and authority in what you’re most curious and love to learn about. Invest your energy in researching, learning and becoming the expert. Then, share with us how much you know and how strong your foundation of knowledge is. Inspire us to trust your expertise and turn to you as an authority.

With a 2 in your profile…

Your genius is innate to your being and you may not always be able to explain how you do what you do. Prioritize time alone to cultivate what comes naturally to you and to be in your own flow. Then, let people recognize and call you out for your unique magic and release the need to explain how you do what you do. The right people will see your magic. Trust your greatest gifts are the ones you can’t explain.

With a 3 in your profile…

You’re a discoverer at heart and are here to learn by doing. Open yourself to the powerful wisdom that comes when you give yourself permission to make mistakes and when you allow the process to be messy. You have a gift for discovering what no longer works by trying things yourself and showing us a new way forward. Never underestimate the power of then sharing your personal journey with the world. You’ll magnetize people your way by sharing with the world honestly what you’ve tried, where you’ve failed and what you’ve discovered.

With a 4 in your profile…

Rather than turn to strangers, share your work first with those close to you, e.g., friends, former colleagues and your community. Let them know what you’re up to. The right relationships will create the most aligned opportunities for you; never underestimate the value of your personal connections. Which relationships do you feel most drawn to? Are you investing your energy there? Are you sharing your work with them? When you are wise in your relationships, you’ll see every aspect of your life benefit.

With a 5 in your profile…

You are a gifted problem solver. Show us your unique approach to solving problems and offering the practical solutions we need. Be clear and explicit about what you can offer, so people know what to expect and you leave no space for unrealistic expectations to form. Remember to only commit to problems that feel like they’re yours to solve.

With a 6 in your profile…

People naturally trust you and see you as an authority and as someone with an important perspective. Lean into this. Take the higher perspective and share with the world the objective, optimistic guidance people are looking for from you. You are designed to be a living example of authenticity and fully honoring your truth. Remember to trust the impact you have on the world by just being yourself.


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