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Love Languages According To Human Design

Erin Claire Jones

5 minute read

As Valentine’s Day approaches, we wanted to share what love languages may look like for each human design type. The concept of love languages comes from Gary Chapman who created a powerful framework around how we each give and receive love. Today, I wanted to riff a bit on what love languages may look like for each type.

As my partner, Jared Matthew Weiss, so perfectly says, “The easiest way to have a relationship is to learn how someone operates and love them for it.”


How to show Generators love:

  • Perform acts of service by taking things off their plate they are not excited by, creating more space for them to do what brings them joy.
  • Honor their boundaries and how precious and powerful their energy is by checking in to see what they truly have the energy for. Know that when they are a full-bodied yes, they will uplift everyone with their excitement. If it’s anything but that, it’s not the right thing for them to do or not the right timing to pursue it, even if it’s something you want them to do.
  • Offer them gifts and create experiences that allow them to do what lights them up and get lost in it. Participate in those experiences with them if they want that. Ask them questions and show curiosity about what they are most excited about. Give them a chance to talk about their passions.
  • Check in with them about how they would like to be communicated to, e.g., giving them options or asking them specific yes/no questions rather than asking them open-ended questions when making a decision. This is one way to honor that they are here to respond to life rather than come up with things out of thin air.

How to show Projectors love:

  • Offer words of affirmation and let them know what you see in them. Love on them by making them feel deeply seen, appreciated and valued.
  • Be deeply curious and ask them questions about how they operate best and what they think about things. Show them how much you care about their perspective, how curious you are to know how to support them best, and how deep you want to go in your connection.
  • Perform acts of service by taking things off their plate that are not in their zone of genius, creating space for them to rest, recharge and take good care of their precious energy. Create opportunities to slow down and unwind together.
  • Give them gifts or create experiences that make them feel recognized and known. 

How to show Reflectors love:

  • Always let them choose the space when going somewhere and make it a habit to check in to see how a space feels to them – when they’re in a space that feels good in their body, it’s much easier for them to have an aligned experience.
  • Take good care of your own energy. When you feel good, it’s easier for them to feel good as they amplify the energy around them.
  • Offer words of affirmation. Let them know what you see in them and make them feel deeply valued for their presence and insights. Invite in their perspective and create opportunities for others to experience their wisdom.
  • Honor their fluid nature by checking in on what they feel up for each day rather than expecting consistency from them. Meet them where they are.

How to show Manifesting Generators love:

  • Perform acts of service by taking things off their plate they are not excited by, creating more space for them to do what brings them joy.
  • Don’t make them wrong for shifting direction. Instead, encourage them to pivot when you notice their energy waning for something. It is natural for them to try on and let go of things. When they honor where their energy wants to go, everyone benefits. Them being lit up lights up the world.
  • Offer them gifts and create experiences that allow them to do what lights me up and get lost in it. Participate in those experiences with them if they want that. Ask them questions and show curiosity about what they feel most excited about. Give them a chance to talk about their passions.
  • Check in with them about how they would like to be communicated to, e.g., giving them options or asking them specific yes/no questions rather than asking them open-ended questions when making a decision. This is one way to honor that they are here to respond to life rather than come up with things out of thin air.

How to show Manifestors love:

  • Perform acts of service by taking things off their plate that they do not want to do. Create space for them to be alone when they need and to feel free to honor the ebbs and flows of their energy, taking action when the urge arises and taking rest when they crave solitude.
  • Give them freedom, autonomy and control, and do not interfere with their flow. Trust they are here to do things in their way, on their terms.
  • Remind them how powerful and impactful they are and encourage them to pursue their wildest dreams, especially if you notice them lost in self-doubt or questioning.
  • Step up to take the lead when they ask you to.
  • Keep them in the loop and informed of your decisions rather than pestering them with questions, telling them what to do or offering unwanted advice.

Here’s to loving on ourselves and each other this Valentine’s Day in the way that feels most aligned for us!


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