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Relationship Tips for Manifestors in Human Design

Erin Claire Jones

3 minute read

Human design not only supports us in finding more flow and ease in our own lives, it also helps us understand how to support and love on those close to us — our partners, kids, friends, collaborators or family members.

So today, I wanted to share some relationship tips, unique needs, and what a supportive co-pilot may look like (in life and in love) for Manifestors.

As a Manifestor, it’s important that those in relationship with me…

  • Give me freedom and space to do my own thing.
  • Remind me of the impact I’ve had on them and the world.
  • Honor my need for rest and time alone.
  • Go on an exciting journey with me, trying something new.
  • Take the lead when I let them know it’s time for them to step up and for me to receive.
  • Honor how sacred it is to be let into my powerful energy and allow themselves to be provoked, inspired and transformed by me.
  • Embolden me and support me in carving my own path and going where no one else has gone.

Some of my unique needs include having others…

  • See my passion, power, and impact as gifts – as things for me to step fully into, not run away from. (It’s important others do not try to temper my passion or power because it feels like too much or they can’t match it.)
  • Support me staying in my flow and doing things in my way. I thrive when I feel empowered and in control, setting the terms of how I do things and when. 
  • Honor that time and space alone is essential for my well-being and allows me to show up when it’s time to show up. (They do not make me wrong for needing time alone.)
  • Support me in doing things in a new way and reminding me that doing things differently creates powerful impact in the world around me. (They do not expect me to walk a path that’s been walked before.)

Supportive co-pilots are people who…

  • Value my need for freedom and support me in working in a way that works for me (e.g., creative bursts.)
  • Are expanded by my power, not threatened by it, and remind me often how powerful and impactful I am. 
  • Are inspired to support my vision and who value my gift of initiating and getting things off the ground.
  • Are open and ready to be initiated, provoked, and transformed by me.
  • Honor my need for space, time, and rest alone.
  • Know how to communicate with me and/or are open to learning (e.g., keeping me in the loop and not pestering me with questions.)

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