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Your Gifts as a Generator in Human Design

Erin Claire Jones

2 minute read

Today, I wanted to share a few notes on your gifts as a Generator. While there is so much in our design beyond type that can shed light on our unique gifts β€” our profile, channels and centers, just to name a few β€” type is a great place to start.

I find the more we are of our differences and of our unique gifts, the more harmonious our relationships can become. Here’s to appreciating the gifts we each uniquely carry.

Some of your gifts as a Generator are…

  • Being a creative force and bringing ideas to life you’re lit up and excited by.
  • Uplifting and powering everyone around you with your bright, warm energy.
  • Bringing a steady commitment, mastery and depth to whatever it is you do.
  • Modeling what it looks like to prioritize your own excitement and satisfaction, and how doing just that uplifts not only you but the world around you.

To harness your gifts, it may be useful to…

  • Take inventory of who and what in your life is lighting you up, and who and what is depleting and draining you.
  • Spend time with people who uplift and energize you.
  • Make time each day to do things that bring you joy, within your work and beyond.
  • Let go of a commitment that no longer feels like the right use of your energy.
  • Have the courage to say no to something that doesn’t feel right (even if you think you should do it.)
  • Open up your awareness and pay attention to what’s showing up in your world that excites you. Trust what you feel naturally drawn to.

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